Wednesday, 1 April 2020

What Are Knee Braces And How Does It Work?

best orthopedic doctor in kolkata

Knee braces are props to be worn when you have a twinge in your knee. Some folks use them to put off knee injuries at all through sports. Braces are made from arrangements of foam, metal, elastic material or plastic and straps. They come in different designs, colours, and sizes.

Few orthopedic doctor in Kolkata will suggest wearing a brace for knee pain. Other doctors don’t consider it to be a good idea. They say it might do more damage than good. Scientific study hasn’t given a clear-cut answer, either. Always verify with your doctor to see what will work best for you.

You might not be aware, but there are different kinds of knee braces, let’s check out what those are.

Knee Sleeves

These are not precisely braces, but they are the most general kind of knee support. They are created to offer compression around the knee joint. This aid supports the knee and can control swelling and pain.

Prophylactic Braces

These are created to guard knees against injuries during contact sports like football. They have become famous amongst sportspersons. Studies have not proven that they function, but researches are ongoing.

Un-Loader Braces

These are made to ease pain in folks who have arthritis in their knees. They budge the weight from the injured region of the knee to a stronger area.

Rehabilitative Braces

These are generally used for a span of weeks right after surgery or injury. They keep the knee steady but still let restricted movement whilst it is healing. Few doctors haven’t noticed an advantage from these braces and no longer suggest them.

Functional Braces

These offer support to knees that have been wounded in the past. Sportspersons usually wear them post major damage has healed. They even out the knee and dictate motion to put off another injury.

best doctor for knee pain in kolkata

The top orthopedic doctors in india will not recommend you to get a knee brace until and unless necessary. So make sure you are under the observation of the very best in the field.

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