The best fracture therapy is determined by elements that are unique to each individual. The kind, severity, and location of your fracture define the optimal treatment approach from the top fracture treatment doctor in Kolkata for you right now.
Rehabilitation is a
non-negotiable issue
After your bone heals, whether you underwent nonsurgical or
surgical fracture treatment, you begin a personalized physical therapy and
rehabilitation regimen. Your muscles weaken and the region stiffens while your
bone is immobile. Your therapy will address these issues by doing activities to
rebuild muscular strength and range of motion.
If you intend to return to sports or suffered a stress
fracture, your rehabilitation will also involve activity-specific
Take a break if you have a
stress fracture
A stress fracture is an overuse injury caused by poor
technique, a rapid increase in training intensity, and repeated actions. This
sort of fracture starts as a little break in the bone that causes discomfort
when you move. Without treatment, the crack might progress to a full-fledged
Immobilization is critical
Once your bone has been corrected, the best therapy is to immobilize
it so that the fragments stay in place while they heal. The type of
immobilization you receive is determined by the severity of your fracture.
You may require a plaster or fiberglass cast to hold the
damaged part in place. Others might be able to wear a functioning cast or brace
that allows for limited joint movement. Serious fractures necessitate the use
of specialist hardware to keep all bone pieces immobilized. Doctors implant the
devices using either internal or exterior fixation.
Internal fixation is a surgical operation in which your
bones are repositioned and then held together by metal plates, screws, or a rod
introduced into the bone's core. Pins are inserted into the bones on both sides
of the break during an external fixation technique. The pins are then connected
to a bar on the outside of your body, called an external fixator, which
stabilizes the bones.