Thursday, 18 June 2020

How To Care For Oneself Post Hip Replacement Surgery?

best hip replacement surgeon in kolkata

If you have had a total hip replacement surgery, there are certain precautions you need to take. While your total hip rehab may have taken place in the hospital, at home, or in an outpatient clinic, you may benefit from the skilled services of a physical therapist for total hip rehab. The primary concern is the avoidance of a hip replacement dislocation. Hence, please read on to know more about the precautionary measures that are advised by specialist orthopedic doctors for the same.

Avoid Hip Flexion Past 90 Degrees

This means that you should not bend your hip up too far or lift your knee too high. In general, your thigh must remain below the parallel line, when compared to the floor. Sitting in a low chair or bending your knee and hip up to put on a sock may break this 90-degree rule and put you at a grave risk for hip dislocation.

Crossing Your Operated Leg Over Your Non-Operative Leg

When lying down, you should not cross one leg over the other to maintain this hip precaution. When sleeping, many people are required to use a special wedge called an abduction pillow to help keep their legs separated.

Avoid Walking Pigeon-Toed

After a posterior approach total hip replacement, you should not rotate your hip inwards, or you may risk a dislocation. This means that your toes should be kept straight ahead or slightly rotated outwards when sitting, standing, or lying. When walking, be sure not to rotate your body over your foot on the ground in such a way that causes internal rotation of your hip.

Most patients who fail to adhere to the prescribed precautions do so while simply moving around in everyday life. However, the aforesaid precautions as prescribed by the best hip replacement surgeon in VIP road Kolkata will benefit you post the surgery.

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