Thursday, 29 August 2019

How to Treat Ligament Injury?

best ligament surgeon in kolkata

Ligament injuries are quite common among athletes.

Of course, you don’t have to be a pro to sustain torn tissues. Even if you partake in light fitness and sports activities, you risk such injuries, which are more prevalent in ankle, knee, and wrist.

Basic symptoms of ligament injuries include severe pain, pop sound during the time you got injured, swelling within a few hours and inability to put weight on the joint without pain. 

If you have a torn ligament, here are 3 steps to treat it:

1.Visit an orthopedic doctor

Sometimes it might not necessarily be a torn ligament. Other times, the injury could be big enough to require surgery. So, the first thing you should do is go see the best knee doctor in Kolkata or orthopedic in Baguihati.

Let them examine the injury, do the necessary tests and list you a course of action to recovery. 

In addition, they would write you medicines that would ease your pain and speed the recovery process.

2.Rest. Rest. Rest.

This is one of the most fundamental measures to recover from any injury. But then it’s easier said than done. It’s difficult to stay on your bed or in the house all the time for weeks.

But then there’s no other alternative to this.

You want to avoid strain on your injured joint as much as possible.

The more you rest, the better and quicker the injury will heal.

3.Apply ice and compression

Applying ice (not directly though) limits the amount of blood flow to the injured area. This helps in limiting the swelling and easing the pain. This is often recommended right after you have sustained the injury.

Compression, too, helps in dealing with swelling and severe pain.

So, when resting, per your doctor’s suggestion, regularly apply ice and compression on the injured spot.


These are three simple steps to treat your torn ligament.

A mild injury would take a couple of weeks to be fine. However, if it’s severe, it can take up to six weeks to recover.

And, in case, if the injury requires surgical treatment, it would take a few months until you’re fit to be back on the field.

Saturday, 3 August 2019

Sprain Treatment: 3 Tips To Recover Fast

best ortho surgeon in kolkata

It happens to the best of us. You’re walking on a regular day and accidentally, in rush to cross the road, you twist your ankle. You try to brush away the pain but it persists. Soon there’s swelling and bruising. And now it turns out, you’ve got a sprained ankle.

A sprain is tearing of ligaments that connect two bones in your joints. It is common in ankle, knee, and wrist. Its symptoms include swelling, pain, bruising and a "pop" sound when the tear happens.

Here are 3 simple tips to recover from sprain fast:

1.Visit A Good Doctor

Although mild sprains can be self-treated at home with basic remedies and OTC medicines, it is always a good idea to visit a ligament specialist doctor in Kolkata

After all, it’s not always easy to diagnose if the injury is really “mild”. Moreover, you want to take all the possible measures to ensure you don’t make the injury worse.

So, after the injury, go see a doctor as soon as possible.

Browse through the list of orthopaedic doctor in Kolkata, do your research, and pick a name that looks good.

2.Apply ice regularly

Just as soon as you have sustained the injury, you must apply ice on the spot for at least 10 minutes. 

Following, after every two to three hours, you should repeat the process.

Not only will it help prevent swelling by decreasing the blood flow, but it would also provide relief from the pain.

Just remember to never apply ice directly on the skin, so to avoid frostbite. 

3.Rest, rest and rest some more 

There’s no alternative to this. You need to give your body with the required time to recover. Every activity should be refrained from that puts even a slight bit of stress on the injured spot. 

Take leave from your school, college or office. 

Become a couch or bed potato for a period. Rest. 

Provide compression on the spot. Keep the injured area in an elevated position, raised above the heart level. This will help prevent further swelling. 


When you feel you’re healing right and things are getting better, see your doctor again. Do the necessary tests to see how well you have recovered. 

Ask the doctor whatever questions you have in mind, including when you can progressively get back to your normal life. 

Sprains can be painful that can put a little pause in your life. However, with the right measures, you can get back on track sooner than you believe.